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Disaster Risk Reduction: Addressing the scientific and societal challenges of extreme geohazards

GHCP Splinter Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the European Geoscience Union
April 25, 2012, 8:30 - 12:00; Room SM5

Scope and Objectives.

The Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an open community focused on support for Disaster Risk Reduction through Earth observations. In 2010, the GHCP drafted a Road Map, which addresses all four phases of the risk management cycle (preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery) and which has the goal to put in place the building blocks for risk management informed by Earth observations. In 2011, the GHCP organized the European Science Foundation conference on "Understanding Extreme Geohazards: The Science of the Disaster Risk Management Cycle." This conference resulted in a declaration, with a number of recommendations.

In the GHCP Splinter Meeting at the EGU, the implementation of the GHCP Road Map was discussed and the recommendations developed during the ESF conference were considered. A community white paper on extreme geohazards and the associated societal challenges, which is in preparation, was discussed. A proposal for a Global Geohazards Information System for Disaster Risk reduction was presented and discussed in detail.

Relevant URLs:

GHCP Road Map: see the link on
ESF Conference on extreme geohazards:
Declaration of the ESF conference: see the link at

Hans-Peter Plag (hpplag at,
Stuart Marsh,
Francesco Gaetani

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